Horse Safety First – Why You Should Read Your Horse Feed Supplement Label Two Ways

by Nikki Alvin-Smith Busy horse owners often find themselves inundated with health information and suggestions for best care and nutrition for their equine partners. A barrage of e-blasts, catalogs and online advertising proffer an overwhelming array of advice that can make any horse owner, however diligent, feel they are coming up short somewhere or missing […]

Do You Follow The Equestrian Mantra “We Win Our Ribbons At Home; We Just Go To The Shows To Collect Them”?

by Nikki Alvin-Smith   A British event rider appearing as a contestant on the very funny British TV show, “Come Dine With Me,” (find it free on TUBI), quoted an equestrian mantra that resonated with me as a fellow competitive rider: “We win our ribbons at home; we just go to shows to collect them.” […]

How Can You Minimize the Risk of Equine Metabolic Issues Returning To Haunt Your Horse?

Minimize the Risk of Equine Metabolic Issues

By Nikki Alvin-Smith If you own a horse that has suffered in the past with metabolic health issues and is seemingly recovered, then you are probably feeling a bit down about how to find a meaningful and affordable way to mitigate the chance of repeat incidents. Flare ups of equine health concerns such as laminitis, […]