Please note that these testimonials are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Testimonials are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other pets.


Heather Mehal Dressage

I am an upper level Dressage rider/ trainer that started using NanoFlex to help with some stiffness my horse was having in his stifles.

He has an injury that requires injections on a regular basis but with the Nanoflex being applied twice daily, I was able to extend the time between injections by almost 4 months.

As an added bonus, because I put it on my hands to apply to his stifles, my fingers don’t ache in the morning any more.

I also use it on my older horses hocks and he seems more comfortable in his work.

Definitely worth it!

Heather Mehal Dressage / Aberdeen NC
Cathy Schreiber

“My trial with Nanoflex was on two different horses. An 18 year old TB/Draft cross mare with pain and heat in a sacroiliac joint or some call “Hunter’s Bump”. It was only a week before the heat subsided and then the next week she began working and moves more freely behind.”

“The second is an 18 year old OTTB. We applied Nanoflex to both hocks and, after 7-8 days, noticed more flexibility in both hocks and are now planning to continue instead of hock injections!”

Cathy Schreiber / Owner/Trainer, Cathy’s Riding Instruction and Training, Tucson, AZ
Dani Sussman

“I have been lucky enough to get to try out Nanoflex before it hit the shelves, so to speak!  This product is incredible!  I have a few older horses with metabolic disorders that prevent them from having joint injections but still need some sort of maintenance.  Nanoflex has been a game changer!  Simply apply a small amount to the affected joint and in a few short days, the results are noticeable.  I love that this product is drug-free and can be used in and out of competition!”

Dani Sussman / Owner/Trainer Aspire Eventing, Larkspur, CO
John Zambrano

“We were approached by Grand Meadows to do a trial on the NANOFLEX and the product sounded really interesting.”

“We have been using it on a hunter with hock issues and within a week we saw a noticeable improvement.“

John Zambrano / Owner/Trainer Frontier Farms, Simi Valley, CA
Robyn Fisher

“I was recently discussing with my doctors to have my sacroiliac injected because of chronic issues. I had the appointment scheduled when Nick from Grand Meadows called me and asked me about doing a trial on NANOFLEX.   I was keen to see if such a product would work as a way to perhaps stop my needing my sacroiliac injected.  Well, since using NANOFLEX on myself, I have canceled my appointment.   I haven’t used it on my horses because I am hoarding it for me .  I love it!”

“I can’t wait for this product to launch so I can get more for my horses”

Robyn Fisher / Trainer R Farms, Moor Park, CA
JJ Lavieri
“We tried the sample of NANOFLEX over a period of 3 weeks on 2 different horses with different ages and backgrounds. In both cases there was a significant reduction in stiffness in both horses. I love NANOFLEX!”
JJ Lavieri / USHJA Certified Trainer/Grand Prix Rider, Lebanon, CT
Jessica Snyder

“My client (Frankie Knight Zurla) who was using the product on herself and her horse for our trial sent me her comments – they are below. Thanks for the opportunity to test it! We are very pleased with the results!”

“Before NANOFLEX , my horse Mango was experiencing some stiffness in his stifle. Not being very educated in equine joints  myself, I was unable to see the telltale signs of his back right not tracking up to his front as he walked. My barn owner came to me with the opportunity to try a new product and while admittedly I was hesitant at first, ultimately, I decided it could only help or do nothing at all. I would also be using the product on myself. Last year, I took a fall that left me with a broken clavicle. A plate and eleven screws later- PT, Chiro, Acupuncture and various alternative therapies got me to a point where I could be functional and happy with some residual discomfort. After using NANOFLEX, I am happy to report we see no signs of my horses back leg not tracking up to the right- he is stepping in unison with the other, and his behavior of bucking on the back side of jumps has stopped. He seems more willing to move off my leg and is taking longer strides to spots. I have used NANOFLEX consistently on my horse, and noticed a difference in my own level of stiffness in the mornings and at night when I was consistent with myself as well. I look forward to purchasing this product for my horse and adding this into my horses full care permanently. “

Jessica Snyder / Owner/Trainer, Baypoint Equestrian Center, Berlin, MD
Lisa Cahn-Jope


I have been involved with horses for the past 50 years and have been in the horse business, asa Hunter/Jumper Trainer, Rider, Manager, Farm Owner, Show Manager, Course Designer, etc.,for the past 42 years. In that time I have cared for many horses at every level, and have seen so much progress in products, supplements and medications that help our Sporthorses perform to their highest ability for years beyond what we used to expect. That being said, I am always open to new science and ways to help our horses stay sound, happy, and comfortable, whatever their job may be. I am always looking for non-invasive treatments to help delay o rcomfort the problems that affect all horses, and animals, including humans, for that matter.

I was given a bottle of Nanoflex, and a very simple explanation of how it works. I was asked to try it out on some of our horses, and was told I could try it on myself as well. I was asked to use the product 2 times a day for a 2 week period, on any joints that I felt the Nanoflex might help.  


Horse #1 – This horse presents with degenerative changes in his Fetlocks. My thought process on using the Nanoflex on this horse was that if I could help the movement in the joint by adding more lubrication to the cartilage inside the joint without having to be invasive, it could possibly help with not only the movement of the joint, but also the degeneration process. Prior to using the Nanoflex, this horse would start out his ride a bit short, I would call it “Mincy Movement”, instead of long smooth strides. He would also trip quite a bit during the first 5 minutes of the ride.  

I started using the Nanoflex on him, and believe that I noticed a difference on the 2nd day. He was not tripping at the beginning of his rides, and seemed to be willing to move forward quicker than he had in the past. This has continued as I have continued to use the Nanoflex on him.  

Horse #2 – This horse has known neck/cervical issues. I used the Nanoflex on the cervical spine area of the neck on both sides. This was a little harder to judge, as far as results and took a little longer to notice a difference. I feel that after day 6 that the horse seemed more comfortable, looser in his neck, and his expression looked less stressed, ears forward.  

Human #1 – Me! I always test what I use on our horses on myself when appropriate. I used the Nanoflex on my cervical vertebrates, as I have degenerative issues and spurs in several of the joint spaces in my neck. My neck has been debilitating for several years. I started using the Nanoflex on my neck, and seemed to notice a difference by day 3. I noticed that the bones in my neck weren’t making the grinding and crunchy noise that they had been making for years. As I have continued to use the Nanoflex I am seeming to feel less discomfort. I plan to continue to use the Nanoflex for myself, as well as our horses.

Lisa Cahn-Jope / Manager/Trainer- Erin Duffy Show Stables, Los Angeles, CA
Gretchen Vosburgh

“I am currently the equine manager of Newmarket Farms in San Diego I have worked there for 20+ years as a trainer instructor and manager.

During this time we have used many different supplements products and medication‘s to try to keep our horses sound and healthy. At this time we are using the Grand Meadows Premium Plus and we have had great success with this product. I was interested into trying a new product from the company that might be a new tool in our arsenal that’s non-invasive to keep our horses comfortable whatever their job is.

I was instructed to try it on a couple horses and also myself.

First trial was on a horse that had a lot of negative changes in it’s fetlocks and pasterns. He was very short-strided and seemed uncomfortable to move forward. We were having a lot of problems over a three day horse show keeping him sound and moving freely. I started using it twice a day to both pasterns and fetlocks for two weeks hoping it would help be a non-invasive treatment that would get him to the last show. We had the horse going to a horseshow that would last for 4 days we were worried by the end of the show that we would probably have to scratch classes but throughout the entire show he was moving forward better, happy and by Sunday we had no problem with him continuing to finish his class.

Second Trial was on myself I have a lot of problems with moving my neck from side to side. I started using it twice a day and within a week I could definitely move my neck further than I have been able to previously. I will continue to use this on myself to help my motion in my neck.

Third trial I have a pony that is 28 years old that I use for walk trot lessons. I have not done any maintenance on her for a while and wanted to see if it helped her hocks at all. I started applying 2 times a day after about three weeks I started to notice she was more willing to go forward for the kids and was not so grumpy. She has always been very sound but as she has gotten older she has slowed down. I am thrilled that the Nanoflex has helped her move better and she will be able to continue working her walk trot job.

I will continue using Nanoflex on myself and my horses, along with recommending the product to our customers.“

Gretchen Vosburgh / Equine Manager, Newmarket Farms, San Diego, CA
Shauna Pennell

“We were very excited to do the trial on the NANOFLEX product as we are long time users of Grand Premium Plus getting amazing results.

The first horse we tried it on was a smaller 6 year old Warmblood in the right hock. Within 3-4 weeks we noticed a significant improvement in stride length and the horse felt much more comfortable to ride.

The second horse was a 14 year old Warmblood Hunter who receives regular hock injections in both hocks. We did not inject and used the NANOFLEX instead. 4 weeks later the horse is going very well and flexion tests have noticeably improved. I really liked how easy it was to apply the product and also it’s a fantastic alternative for picky eaters who won’t eat supplements. I can’t wait to try it on myself!”

Shauna Pennell / Owner/Trainer Silvercrest Stables, Moor Park, CA
Erin Leon

“We have been using Grand Meadows nutritional supplements for about 2 years and have had great success with the products. All of our horses are on Grand PremiumPlus an all around supplement and we have seen incredible results! When their new product, NANOFLEX , was brought to us for a trial we were very excited to try it. I have tried it on my own horse and I even use it myself. My horse, a 13 year old Hanoverian, has done the jumpers, equitation, and everything in between. He is a horse who needs consistent maintenance and has historically required days off due to soreness. Within a week of using NANOFLEX on his coffins he was way more consistent and so much happier!

As horseback riders our bodies go through a lot. Sore and achey is a regular occurrence. Recently, I have been having trouble with my shoulder and lower back. Within a few days of using NANOFLEX I found relief- my joints weren’t cracking as much and I wasn’t constantly in pain. I love the Grand Meadows products and highly recommend them for horses and the riders who love them.”

Erin Leon / Assistant Trainer and Barn Manager at Storia Stables, Simi Valley, CA
Patricia Harris

See Patricia’s video below to hear about her experience with NANOFLEX and her horse, Charlie.

Patricia Harris / Dressage Manager and Trainer at Hidden Valley Ranch, CA
Shauna Pingrey

Hi Nick! I really like the product! I think that it is easy to use and the topical application makes it a great option for targeting specific joints. I’ve been using it on my senior warmblood mare who is still an active show jumper. Since she is in her late teens I try to be very conscious of her comfort and health so she can keep performing at her best. I’ve been using the nanoflex on her hocks, and while I admit I do forget to put it on some days, I make sure she gets it every time she jumps! She has been enthusiastic about jumping and being asked to make big efforts, and I’ve even gotten remarks from others on how sound she looks!

Shauna Pingrey / Strykersville NY