Grand Meadows Busts 9 Winter Horse Care Myths

Winter Horse Care Myths

Know the real facts on how to care for your horse in the winter

To blanket or not to blanket? How do horses feel the cold? Do horses need more water in the winter? Horses don’t need as much food in the winter – yes or no?

These are just some of the winter horse care questions we get asked. We get it, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there about how to care for your horse in the winter.

In this blog, we do our best to bust 9 of the most common winter horse care myths. Keep reading to learn the facts and truth on what your horse really needs in the winter.

As always, please consult your veterinarian about any new behaviors, symptoms, or changes in your horse.

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9 Signs of a Healthy Horse You Need to Know

9 Signs of a Healthy Horse

Make sure you know these 9 signs of a healthy horse

If your horse could speak, what do you think they would tell you? We think your horse would tell you how much they enjoy the fresh air, what they like to eat, and how to stay on top of their health needs.

Unfortunately, your horse cannot talk. But your horse does give you signals that communicate how they’re feeling physically and emotionally. A healthy appetite, regular water consumption, energy to ride and train, and a smile on their face are just a few ways your horse tells you how they’re feeling.

In this blog, I highlight 9 signs of a healthy horse that you need to know.

Please contact your veterinarian if your horse is not eating, is not interested in exercising, or shows other unexpected behavior. And do not make any changes to your horse’s exercise or feed routine without contacting your trainer, farrier, and veterinarian.

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5 Things You Need to Know About Your Horse’s Teeth

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Horse’s Teeth

Know the signs of tooth discomfort and common horse dental problems

Just as important as their hooves, joint and coat health, your horse’s teeth require regular care and maintenance. The health of your horse’s teeth and gums tell you a lot about their overall health and wellness.

In this blog we provide facts and information many people do not know about horse teeth. As always, please consult your veterinarian with any questions about your horse’s teeth.

Like so many aspects of horse care, horse teeth require periodic maintenance to ensure your horse lives their healthiest life. Keep in mind these 3 reasons for monitoring your horse’s teeth:

  1. Healthy teeth mean it’s easier to eat and absorb essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
  2. Healthy teeth mean your horse is not in hidden discomfort. (Remember your horse is adept at hiding discomfort.)
  3. Healthy teeth mean your horse can get enough calories to maintain their weight and fuel themselves for training, competition, and daily life.

Head shaking, rearing, fighting the bit, and acting out can be signs of sore teeth and gums. Pay attention to any changes in your horse’s behavior and when in doubt, contact your veterinarian for a full exam and dental check-up.

Make sure you know these 5 facts about horse teeth and horse dental care.

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Fall Horse Care Checklist: 7 Horse Care Tips to Remember

Fall Horse Care Tips

Fall is here and this means it’s time to check-in with the essentials to fall horse care. This time of the year is one highlighted by schedule changes, shortened days, and cooler weather.

Your horse relies on you for every aspect of their health and wellness. And because of this we want you to be prepared as possible for the fall and giving your horse everything, they need to thrive.

Keep reading to learn about the 7 essentials to get your horse and barn ready for the fall.

Fall Horse Care Checklist in a Nutshell

Keep these 7 fall horse care essentials in mind as you plan your trips to the barn, veterinarian and farrier visits, and nutritional needs.

  1. Monitor your horse’s caloric intake
  2. Ensure they’re up to date on deworming
  3. Add more hay to their diet
  4. Ensure they have a clean bill of health
  5. Keep an eye out for laminitis
  6. Check for drafts
  7. Make gradual exercise changes

1. Monitor Your Horse’s Caloric Intake

Fall is a transition period for your horse’s diet. If you’re riding more than you did in the sweltering summer, you’ll need to increase your horse’s calories to compensate for it.

However, many horse owners reach a point during the fall when cold weather makes it unpleasant for riding. When that happens, you’ll need to reduce your horse’s feed to prevent them from gaining too much weight.

Autumn is also an excellent opportunity to assess the type of horse feed you give your horse. Choosing feed that is kind rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins is critical since grass quality decreases in the fall.

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Feeding Your Horse: 5 Horse Nutrition Tips and Advice for a Healthy Horse

Horse Eating - Horse Nutrition Tips

Keeping a horse well-fed is a big responsibility. To ensure nutritional balance, horse owners must understand all the ins and outs of their horse’s nutritional needs.

Above all else, we want your horse to be getting the right food when they need it. Just like us humans, your horse is what they eat. To help you keep your horse happy, healthy, and active we’ve put together our top horse nutrition tips.

As always, if you have any questions about horse health, feel free to contact us. And remember, do not make any changes to your horse’s diet or routine before checking with your veterinarian.

Remember these 5 horse nutrition tips to help keep your horse healthy and active.

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