Fireside Chat Video 3 – Joints? Or Oh My God Where Do I Even Start?

Fireside Chat Video 3 - Joints or Oh My God Where Do I Start?

In our introduction to Joints, a supplement category serviced by a bewildering array of products now numbering in excess of 300, we discuss the physiology of the joint and the way problems can start to occur. How does the mammalian joint work and what are the functions of the various elements? In looking at this incredibly saturated marketplace, where every company’s products are the best for one reason or another according to the their particular marketing strategy. We start to try to define a practical approach to providing nutritional support for the hardworking joints of horses, which are being subjected to stress far beyond what they had naturally evolved to endure.

Watch our first two videos in the series below:

How On Earth Are You Supposed to Figure Out This Horse Supplement Market?